Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Quantum of Solace" and detail

Quantum of Solace was an excellent movie, however, what I've noticed from the two James Bond movies that actor Daniel Craig has stared in is the lack of gadgets. Frankly, the essence of James Bond has died off, and reincarnated into a more forceful version of James Bond, where he kicks down the door and begins firing shots. The more recent James Bond is also less of a "Ladies Man", which is also known as "Playa" in the 21st century.
One of the main problems with Quantum of Solace is detail. This is also involved in other action movies, character names, locations and in the case Quantum of Solace, organizations. When watching Quantum of Solace, I had a hard time with understanding what was going on, and when characters were mentioned, I always had to refer to my friends and ask them who they are talking about. Memory is also a key factor of when it comes to comprehending what on earth is going on. You especially had to remember what happened in the previous movie Casino Royale and even character names.

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