Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Final Film Project - Planning

I've chosen to work with Tim and Jay on my final film project. This is good I guess... Morrisby Test does say I'm very concious about who I chose to work with. I suppose I chose a creative team, though I don't believe any of us are that skilled with any of the technical aspects. I'm absolute crap when it comes to editting.

We've come up with two ideas for a film, just incase our "plan A" screws up.

"Plan A"
This story is inspired by the movie 'In the Mood for Love'. I've not seen it, but according to Tim and Jay, they say it's good, so I'm sticking to their word. Apparently it's about two lovers who are desperate to be affectionate and in love with each other physically where as mentally, they connect really well.
At first thought, I believe this could work really well, especially because we weren't making a feature film and I think that this could be perfect for a short story. Also, I could see a strong narrative in this story and I've already got it pictured inside my head how successful this can turn out to be.
Using a Super 8 camera for this would be awesome though. Yeah. Awesome.
All it just needs now is some water and it will bloom - into a pretty flower. Yay.

"Plan B"
Hmm... so incase plan A fails, plan B is based on a mockumentary. I'm a person who loves comedies and action film, all I need to do it combined the two and it would be perfect.
What I like about comedies is the way they have a play with words, especially British humor. And action movies? How can you exit an action movie saying "Whoa, I just wasted $50 on a movie ticket..."
Where does the mockumentary come in? Simple, 'The Office'. And the fact that it contains great comedic dialog, PERFECT!
Well then where's the action?
Plan B revolves around the idea like 'The Office', a mockumentary about simple people doing simple things. But swapping it with a person who is egar to make his name big in the movie industry is also a great idea. So basically, we will be filming as the 'Behind the Scenes' crew who looks at the journey of an aspiring film director who attempts to make an action movie using simple objects to create outstanding techniques.

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